lis 20 2003

Just Let Me Go....

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I can’t cope any longer, The pain I hide inside, To my friends I have lied. I told them I was fine, When I really felt defeated, The pain is too much, I want to be needed. No one wants me, It’s the truth, I know, No one needs me, I should just go. The knife, it whispers to me, "Do it, end it all!" I know I won’t be missed, Just let me fall. The uncontrollable pain, Makes tears stream down my face, I’m sitting in the corner, Like a delicate piece of lace. You make me suffer, Day after day, You’ll never love me- That’s what you say. I hide the pain, With smiles and laughter, I put on an act, Because I have to...
xx_go$iak_xx : :
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