Archiwum lipiec 2003

lip 31 2003 :'( :'( :'(
Komentarze: 0

Reach beyond the past,
Beyond the pain
Into your heart
Reach past your mind,
What you think you feel
Leave it all behind
Reach for me in darkness,
I can be your light
Hold me like a candle
Your protection from the night
Reach into eternity,
Live from within your soul
Grasp at what you feel
Never at what you know
Reach for me in peace
Reach for me in sorrow
Reach for my heart today
Know you'll still have it tomorrow

xx_go$iak_xx : :
lip 30 2003 Prawdziwa Ja i to Co Czuje...
Komentarze: 2

xx_go$iak_xx : :
lip 25 2003 Sex...
Komentarze: 0

Love's a sensation
Caused by temptation
A guy sticks his location
In a girl's destination
To increase population
Of the next generation
Do you understand my explanation
Or do you need a demonstration?

xx_go$iak_xx : :
lip 23 2003 With Time...
Komentarze: 2

I'm convincing myself
Yes I'll find someone new
I won't be alone
And I won't be with you
You're waiting for me
To crawl back to your side
But no, not this time
I'm keeping my pride
So goodbye forever
I'll be on my way
It's gonna take time
But I'll be okay.

xx_go$iak_xx : :
lip 17 2003 ;( ;( ;(
Komentarze: 0

wciaz pamientam slowa twe "milosc wieczna jest" wciaz pamientam twych oczow blask gdy
szeptales je
serce me mocniej bilo gdy byles blisko mnie teraz widze w twych oczach lzy kiedy mowisz mi:
"musze odejsc juz od ciebie nazawsze..."
ja o tym wiem... juz nie kochasz!!!
Odejdz wienc jesli chcesz, wez ze soba nasze wspulne dni
odejdz wienc jesli tego chcesz!!!

xx_go$iak_xx : :